Rich Man in Hell
In having been an observer of mankind now for many years, what strikes me the most, about those, who have refused to accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior, is their increasing hardness of heart, as the years of their lives go by. I believe the parable of the rich man in hell represents the end point of this evil process, which is the complete hardening of the human heart. I believe the rich man in hell was so hard hearted that he displayed no concern what so ever for the possibility of his brothers going to hell. Instead, I believe he was simply seething with a depraved mindset of manipulation and control, as he looked upon Lazarus resting in Abraham's bosom. He was looking upon Lazarus with that perfect hate, anger and envy, which is, and will be the dominating nature of all those, who are completely removed from God’s love in hell. Here is the proof for what I am saying. Notice, His first request, after asking Abraham for mercy. (a display of false humility to entice Abraham’s compliance with his wishes) His first request was not made out of concern for his brothers, but for himself. This request involved the involuntary servitude of Lazarus, whom he had always despised, and whom he still despised even more now. This is evidenced, by the fact, that his first request would have required Lazarus to enter hell, with him, to bring water. It was only after Abraham did not grant his request, that he feigned concern for his brothers, as a way of inflicting, if not the pain of hell, then all the pain of becoming a beggar again, because his second request would have again required the involuntarily actions of Lazarus, returning to the same fallen environment of earth, which he had now been set free from, in order to contact the brothers.
Wayne Wade
Luke 16 "There was a certain rich man who
was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day.