

    All Americans and especially Christians need to understand that the United States of America is now facing the threat of an "insurgency" which is simply a movement to overthrow an existing form of government. At this very moment there are people working tirelessly to over throw by any means possible our current democratic form of government and the freedoms it has provided for over two hundred years. That is the definition of "Insurgency".  However, not all insurgencies are bad. In fact the American Revolution was an insurgency which was good if the reader considers the increased individual freedoms which it provided as being a good thing. So, how can one tell if the current insurgency is good or bad? That's an easy question to answer. If an insurgency is fighting to produce political results which will create more freedom for the individual citizen then it is a good insurgency. If an insurgency is trying to place more and more political power into fewer and fewer hands then it is a bad insurgency.

    As a life-long observer of the human condition, and a believer in Christ Jesus since the age of eight, I have many times witnessed marvelous happenings as a result of God's love, but I have also witnessed some of the most brutal government sanctioned events imaginable as a young soldier in Vietnam. During that period in history, our United States government blindly responded to what it perceived to be an existential threat to overthrow all freely elected governments, one nation at a time. While the instincts of many of our nation's leaders at the time and leading up to the Vietnam conflict, itself, were correct, the understanding of exactly what they were dealing with was totally lacking. I believe that lack of understanding has done nothing but get worse from then until now. So, having said that, I would like to attempt to provide all freedom loving readers with some food for thought about the way our nation's educational as well as mass media institutions are indoctrinating young minds, pushing them more and more through their highly evolved insurgency technics toward acceptance for the communist ideology which will put all political power into the hands of just a few people.     

    I fought under one of the greatest field commanders in the history of the U.S. Army. He won two Distinguished Service crosses, two silver stars and five bronze stars for valor. He went on to become a four star general and yet outside military circles, most Americans have never heard of Dick Cavazos. I witnessed firsthand, how he successfully led our 1/18th infantry unit through everything from a human wave attack at Loc Ninh, to turning the tables on several major ambushes similar to the ones that the well publicized Lt. Colonel Terry Allen and Lt. Colonel Hal Moore were overcome by. So yes, it is personally very troubling to me that America lost the war in Vietnam, especially since my unit was so well led and so victorious during my tour of duty. However, war is not a baseball game where the players feel bad when they loose and good when they win and everybody goes home and waits for the next game. In war on both the winning and the loosing side some give up everything they have on this earth, never to see the outcome, win or loose. Others see their loved ones taken from them, their property and livilihoods destroyed in the most senseless and cruel ways imaginable, becoming emotionally scarred for life, as was the case with many of the Vietnamese people on both sides.

    It is important that every American have some understanding of this larger picture of a bad insurgency and hostage taking on a national level. Victory against a bad insurgency requires much more than the ability to supply a modern army with the latest technological gadgets in order to win tactical battles, by surgically blowing things up and producing large enemy body counts. Many times, by the time the fighting starts, it is already too late. We must first begin the battle by teaching our children to understand how precious and how rare our free way of life really is and secondly, we must teach them to recognize and abhor any hint of a political ideology that would seek to destroy our individual freedoms. Every insurgency that America has been involved in, from Vietnam to the one in today's Afghanistan has been led by tyrannical Mafioso style thugs, who are ever learning how to better fly banners under any feigned political ideology (And I don’t think this particular type of sociopath really cares which one) as long as it moves them toward their own criminal goal of more and more control over their fellow human beings. This type of evil personality will say or do anything to incrementally advance their own control over their neighbors. They do not become evil. They are evil.

    Furthermore, this type of foul smelling parasitic human being always starts small, ever learning how to feed first on fellow human beings in whatever environment they are born into. They naturally have a propensity for sucking on the freedom loving blood of any community, state or country that they are born into, long before they become strong enough to turn their insatiable appetite on the rest of the world. Ho Chi Minh was such a person. Like a viral infection, his entire life was devoted to expanding his borders by mutating into any disguise that would further his evil goals.

    If President Johnson could have somehow changed himself into the greatest war time president that had ever lived, and if he could have somehow cloned a multitude of field commanders like Cavazos, the Vietnam War was still doomed to failure, because we did not understand the type of war we were getting involved in and sadly we still don’t. The communist, under Ho Chi Minh were fighting a evil war of insurgency, while we were mistakenly trying to fight a war of liberation, much as America had done in World War II. The enemy was conquering hearts and minds, while we were focused on racking up enemy body counts and taking back territory within a certain earthly boundary just to give it back again a few days later.

    A popular propaganda talking point of the Vietnam War era actually presented Ho Chi Minh as a Vietnamese George Washington and the main stream media in America ran with it. Nothing could have been further from the truth. He was a power hungry despicable little man, who, after World War II had resided in France, helping to establish the communist party there and later was trained in Moscow, under The mass murderer, Stalin, in insurgency tactics. At one point he had not lived in Vietnam for over thirty years. It is obvious that during those thirty years he was in no way looking to develop into a freedom loving George Washington, but rather worked tirelessly to become master of his own brand of evil subterfuge, which had no regard for the human rights of his fellow man what-so-ever as long as his actions put him and his close associates at the top of the food chain. His depraved nature actually enabled him to attract enough like-minded vermin to begin successfully preying on his own helpless countrymen in remote villages across a very vulnerable Northern Vietnam after World War II and long before we Americans became involved. Ho used the carrot and stick tactics he had learned from his Soviet mentors. However, his stick was an axe. His major cohort in crime, who wielded that axe, was General Võ Nguyên Giáp. Giáp, who had trained under the Chinese mass murderer, Mao Zedong after World War II, doing O.J.T., helping that psychopath perpetrate his terrorist tactics to either murder or enslave every living soul in China. Giáp was an excellent student and he later applied these learned terroristic tactics with uncle Ho’s blessing, on the citizens of his own country. Once North Vietnam was subdued, by Giáp, one of the first things on his to-do list was to round up every land owner in North Vietnam and have them executed. Does that sound like something George Washington did? If it does, you need to go back and read some of the writings of Washington again.

    With that lethal statement being made to the populace, it was easy, through fear, to press the rest of the North Vietnamese populace into a slave labor force which provided an almost limitless supply of human slaves to serve in his armies, as front line soldiers and porters, carrying supplies down the Ho Chi Minh trail, as well as workers basically imprisoned in agricultural communes to feed the rest. Hapless souls, the subscripted enemy troops, who charged our fortified positions on November 2nd 1967, were mentally little more than “Stockholm Syndrome” victims, themselves. They were abused young minds, who had succumb to Ho’s personal brand of mass kidnapping and re-education, programed to automatically do his bidding without thinking. Another wonderful characteristic of communist style rule that was so appealing to Ho, was no term limits, no campaigning to stay in office and no opposition party to deal with. He and just a hand full of his associates had total power to govern in any way he saw fit. He had learned the ways of Stalin and Chairman Mao well. No communist government has ever tolerated the existence of any type of opposition, period. Ho observed firsthand, when he lived in Moscow, how this type of rule could work for him. He knew that once he gained control of Vietnam, it would be his way or the graveyard for anyone who opposed him. He most surely witnessed the human cost of this sick ideology, but he was willing to embrace it, anyway. Why? Because it fit flawlessly into the framework of his own depraved way of thinking. A Vietnamese George Washington? I don’t think so.

    Now entered naive American leadership of the sixties, who, for all their political differences, were at least able to largely recognize communism as an existential threat to personal freedoms anywhere it gained a toe hold. Many democratic leaders, including Johnson, were well aware that all communists everywhere look for nothing else than ways to snuff out all democratic governments and to this day that mindset has never changed. By the way, a domestic communist is just as much an enemy of a free United States of America as a foreign communist. The communist mindset recognizes no limits on the amount of human suffering that is acceptable in order to maintain and gain absolute control, a control that is not only promoted by a government which routinely lies to the public but also requires that same public to repeat the lie as though they mean it. It is an intrinsic characteristic of the communist ideology to seek more and more influence over the minds of fellow human beings on the planet by any means possible. If you don’t believe me, just read your history book or better yet talk to those who have lived under communist rule. There is no freedom of religion in any communist country because the ultimate dream of every communist leader who has ever lived is to possess the hearts and minds of every living soul on the planet in order to program each living human being on what to think, where to live, where to work, how to dress, what to eat, how many children to have, and even whether or not to be born and when to die. It is a very wicked ideology which is totally focused on total control and that control is never shared with more than a hundred people at the top in any communist nation.    

    Furthermore, Communist insurgency is not only accompanied round-about with lying propaganda and subterfuge, wealth redistribution schemes, government sponsored social programs to quench any rising thoughts of mass rebellion by the masses but it also deals in all types of cunning persecutions, including "plain ole" murder for those enlightened few who just refuse to "knuckle under'.  In this way, it works tirelessly in almost every country in the world, where it is not strong enough to take by military force.

    We lost the struggle to establish a free Vietnam because we were losing our ability, as a nation, to understand the height and breath of this evil. We continually focused on the mechanics of blindly repelling the enemy, who was shooting at us. Instead, we should have first focused on providing protection to citizens of Vietnam, from the insurgents. The next step would have been to educate the younger generations in the ways of freedom and foremost to have identified and installing freedom loving leadership similar to the way it was done in Japan after the war. The patience to stay the course in any case was and still is paramount or our defeat in Vietnam and now in Afghanistan will be repeated over and over where ever we battle insurgents until they arrive at our doorstep. Oh, by the way, they are already here.