Chapter 12: Tree of Life
For the next few days, after supporting Alexander Haig's big
battle, things for my Dogface Battalion didn't change much. My unit
continued to enjoy all the perks which came with serving our country as
grunts. We provided road security for route 246 and took turns running
ambush patrols at night. As I have already said, night ambush patrols
were used by combat units in Vietnam primarily as early warning of enemy
activity. In this free kill zone of War Zone C, we were at liberty to
kill anything that moved. We also continued to get to know our new
commander and were beginning to like what we saw. Unfortunately,
however, even if he had been able to walk across a rice patty on top of
the mud and water, there would always be some things that he was never
going to be able to fix. This next episode is one of those situations.
Surely one would have thought that the Army would have already
worked out fail safe procedures to prevent artillery units from
accidently plotting their many random fire missions where our infantry
units where going to be operating. However, my following account proves
that wasn't so.
It was three days after the Battle of Ap Gu. Haig had just been
promoted to full Colonel. The date was April 4, 1967 and it was my
squad's turn to go out into the jungle about 500 meters and set up one
of these nighttime ambush positions. This was the first ambush patrol,
which my squad had run since we had arrived at Fire Base Thrust. By now,
there was no question in anyone’s mind that we were in an incredibly
dangerous place. Our patrols crossed paths with enemy patrols every day.
Sometimes there was a shootout and sometimes there wasn't. However,
tonight there was a very good chance that we would get into some kind of
trouble. Sergeant Bartee was nervous as all-get-out. Heck, we all were.
Everyone else who had patrolled this area had run into trouble. Why not
us? As a matter of fact, while on a platoon sized patrol, to gather gear
and weapons lost in one of those fire fights, we had already experienced
a brazen ambush attack on my platoon.
On this particular evening, just before dark, we saddled up and
started out for our assigned ambush position for the night. We walked
single file, skirting our own perimeter, until we got to one of the
other platoon's bunkers. There we took a right turn and walked straight
into triple canopy jungle. As we were leaving camp, just before making
that turn, toward the jungle, I noticed a soldier standing dead still on
top of his DePuy bunker. He was staring straight at me. I was the point
man and first man in line, so I suppose it was only natural for him to
look at me first. I learned many years later that his name was Lonnie
Matthews. I did not know him then. Strangely, I never forgot what seemed
to be a very concerned look on his face. I have pondered that look many
times over the years. It seemed to say, I wish you guys were staying in
with me tonight instead of going where you are going. He raised his hand
and made a little waving motion. As I turned to walk toward the wood
line, I waved back at him.
After entering the thick jungle, we followed our assigned
azimuth. It led us along that same road, where we had been ambushed. We
walked parallel to the road and about twenty-five meters to the left of
it until we got to our designated ambush site. The site was plainly
marked on Sergeant Bartee's map. Everyone seemed more quiet than usual.
We all seemed to sense that this patrol was going to be different. Every
patrol was dangerous, but this one seemed to be coming with a guarantee
of certain death if we didn't stay true to our “A” game. If ever there
was a time to go above and beyond, this was that time. It was definitely
not the time to carry on with business as usual. Enemy activity was
heavier than we had ever seen. Yet, incredible as it may sound, the
possibility that we could be overwhelmed by a large force moving into
position to attack our entire battalion never crossed our mind. We knew
nothing about what had just happened to Haig’s Blue Spaders. However, we
did expect a sapper team to try and hunt us down. That's what had been
happening to the other ambush patrols and that's what we expected to
happen tonight. Before arriving at Thrust, quite frankly, past ambush
patrols down south had been a little boring. Waiting for one's guard
shift to end was unbelievingly exhausting and long. On these ambush
patrols, one man out of every three would stay awake for a two-hour
shift. Many times, I would listen to a small radio, which I purchased at
the PX at Di An. It had an earpiece to fit in one ear so I could also
listen for any unusual noises with the other ear. Tonight, however,
things were different. I certainly was not going to be listening to that
radio. Bartee sensed that things were different too. Milliron also
sensed the difference, as did Bowman.
I really don't know what was going through Walker's head. Walker
just seemed to go with the flow. He didn't seem to be on edge like the
rest of us. As he stood clutching that deadly M-40 grenade launcher in
his hands, I really couldn't tell what he was thinking. I did know this,
however. Walker had come to be one of the most respected members of our
squad. In 1960s America, respect from whites for a black man was a rare
commodity, indeed. Walker never voiced his tactical input on any
situation, which I can remember. However, that really didn't matter. He
was probably the best thump gunner (M40 grenade launcher) in the entire
division. Given clear space, he could put five thump gun rounds in the
air and on target down field at 100 meters, before the first round
landed. I was in awe the first time I saw him do it. After witnessing
that display, I remember jokingly saying to him, “Goodness gracious
Walker, that sure will look good on your job resume, when you get back
to the world (U.S.)”, but then I remembered that he was self-employed.
Walker was a pimp from Ohio, but that made no difference here. He was
one of us and I had known that long before the rest of these guys showed
up. There were guys who came through my squad, and I don't remember
their names, because they just didn't matter to me that much. Yet I will
never forget Walker, or Bowman or Milliron or Bartee, but Walker and I
had earned our C.I.B. at the same time and there was something very
special about that bond. Of course, everyone is special in God's eyes,
but I am not giving God's viewpoint here. I am giving my own flawed
self-centered perspective at the time.
When we arrived at our plotted ambush spot, lo and behold, there
was a giant tree similar to the one in the picture below. This tree was
standing directly on the ambush site marked on our map. I remember
standing in the inner circle close to Sergeant Bartee and his radio man.
Bill Milliron and Glenn Bowman stood beside me. We started discussing
our plight, while the others looked on. As I said, every patrol
previously sent in this general direction had made some type of contact.
Nobody believed this time would be any different. With that unsettling
thought sticking in the bottom of each of our stomachs, it became a
little easier to start visualizing ways this tree could be used for
protection. Just the fact that it was located exactly on our destination
check point was a minor miracle.
I don’t know who voiced the idea first, but the idea was embraced
immediately by everyone. Of course, we old guys were always in general
agreement, that we needed to not wait for the bullets to start flying
before we hatched a plan. We always hatched a plan. Even if that plan
was to do nothing, it was still talked about. Why? Because there were
ways to do nothing and live, and then there were other ways to do
nothing and get yourself killed. However, this time, we knew one thing
for sure. This plan needed to be different. It needed to be something
the enemy would never expect.
Thus, the following idea was birthed. We would use the tree for
cover and concealment. They are not the same thing. Cover protects one
from flying objects like bullets. Concealment only hides a person. It
gives no protection from fast flying objects like bullets or shrapnel.
Most of the time an ambush site would not provide both cover and
concealment. Concealment was usually the best we could hope for while
setting up any ambush position. An ambush
patrol could not afford to make the noise and take the time to dig in to
provide the necessary cover too.
The laterite soil in War Zone C was way too hard and we would have made
much too much noise. However, in this particular instance, we soon realized
that this big tree could provide both cover and concealment because the
ground around the roots of this big jungle tree was extremely soft. It would be
easy to dig under those huge roots, where we would have access to both a
concealed position and also be provided with cover from the tree's huge roots. The picture helps
clarify what I am saying.
Spending the night under those roots grabbed everyone as a great
idea. We hurriedly put our plan in motion. In less than ten minutes, we
were able to quietly dig holes in the soft dirt. We now encircled the
tree and were completely concealed below ground with a large root over
top of each man. Before retiring under those roots for the night, we
strung out six claymores, three along the road and three in a semicircle
behind us. Bartee picked the first two men to pull the first guard
shift. Everyone was warned one more time not to fire their weapons if we
made contact. Instead, we would pop claymores, and the squad would
follow me to another assembly point, exactly fifty meters in the
opposite direction of the enemy tracer rounds. From there we would call
in artillery on the enemy. There was just one other thing that most of
the city slickers in our squad did not want to think about. They didn't
want to think about what night life might be crawling around under those
tree roots with them. All and all, however, that tree was a God Send.
As some might say, We had us a plan. However, by this time we
also knew that the plan very rarely joined hands with reality for very
long. The night was now upon us. A couple hours of silent darkness went
by. If an enemy patrol had walked past that tree, they would have seen
or smelled nothing. We were as invisible as anyone could possibly hope
to become in our individual spider holes around that tree.
As I have already explained, there were other fire bases nearby,
providing artillery support to our fire base, in case we were attacked.
Those fire bases would H and I (harassment and interdiction) artillery
rounds at random during the night. It was said that this was done to
keep the enemy guessing. I have already mentioned why I believe this was
a stupid idea. However, since this was a common practice, when we heard
the first 155 mm rounds land in the direction of our NDP (night
defensive position), we were not alarmed, in the least. Then a couple
more shells landed a little closer to us on the same side of that road.
Fifteen seconds later a third shell landed a little closer still.
It was early in the evening, and no one had gone to sleep yet.
Everyone was alert and starting to realize that this was not normal.
Another fire base was obviously carrying out a fire mission. They were
dropping rounds down the same side of that road as the side which we
were occupying. Each salvo was coming a little closer. The slang
description used to describe that hair brained tactic was called
“walking a road”. When two or three more rounds landed even closer, our
RTO was already on the horn (radio) calling for a cease fire. That
couldn't happen instantaneously. Our command post would have to call
brigade headquarters, and they would then call the CP (command post) of
the unit engaged in the fire mission. In turn their commander would then
order their gunners to cease fire. Two or three more rounds landed even
closer. Everyone held their breath and scooted as far up under their
overhead covering of roots, as they could get. Another and another
landed, coming closer and closer. Now, all anyone could do was wait
helplessly. We were in mortal fear for our lives. The killing radius of
a 155 mm shell is 50 meters, and we were in the direct line of fire with
no indication that the shelling would be halted in time to save us.
Two shells landed only fifty meters away. Within just a few
seconds, two more shells exploded in an air burst, near the top of our
tree. We were well within their killing radius. The jungle flooring
around us shuttered as it was hit by a supersonic shock wave from the
two blasts. Branches from the treetop came crashing down around us. They
were heavy enough to crush us if we had not been protected by those big
roots. Even underground, the air we breathed immediately became heavy
with fine particles of dust kicked up by the blast. The shock wave
propelled thousands of red-hot shrapnel shards in every direction. That
shock wave alone, from a 155 mm gun blast, could kill, at this extremely
close range. However, once again, those big tree roots covered us,
absorbing much of this shock wave as well as the shrapnel. If we had
been in the more open jungle, I am sure every man in my squad would have
been killed. Now, the air around us hung heavy with the strong smell of
cordite and humus kicked up from the jungle flooring. Two more shells
exploded thirty meters or so past our position, and then two again
further on.
As quickly as this mortal danger had come, it also passed. An
eerie silence hung over the tree and the jungle around it, broken only
by the squelch from our radio. Rays of light from a crescent moon shined
through bare spaces in the tree top where there used to be limbs just
moments before. Though it was a waning moon, it's light was enough to
illuminate the jungle flooring and the clouds of dust which floated
above it. Just for a moment, after the danger had past, the jungle
seemed transformed back to a more peaceful time before we warring humans
showed up. During that silence, each underground survivor had time to
wonder whether the others around him were still alive. Our commander,
Dick Cavazos, was probably wondering the same thing. Then all at once,
the jungle flooring around the big tree erupted, vomiting out us zombie
looking creatures from under the ground. If there had been an onlooker
watching, it would have indeed been a very scary scene. It looked
exactly like we were rising from the dead. Yes indeed, it was quite a
sight for no one but us to see. Each man was covered in leaves and dirt
particles, from head to toe. We looked more like creatures from The
Living Dead than men. Not a single grunt had a scratch. Dick Cavazos was
soon on the horn (radio), personally, telling Sergeant Bartee, to bring
us home. In the smoky haze, we gathered up our equipment and claymore
mines and silently started walking toward the perimeter, in single file.
It was the 173rd Infantry Regiment, located south of us, which
had made the mistake. The fire mission was halted but not in time. The
first shell fired landed on the perimeter of our NDP. Lonnie Matthews,
the man who had waved goodbye to me, was killed by that first shell. I
would remember his face and that wave for over fifty years. This beloved
son of Nashville, Tennessee, would have over 600 people attend his
funeral. Why were we provided a tree of life that night, but Lonnie
received no such miracle? Well, I would argue that Lonnie did receive a
much greater miracle this same night. However, we who are left behind
cannot see Lonnie’s miracle because it's much bigger than anything we
can ever imagine as mere mortals. In the jungle that night, that big
tree became our tree of life, saving us for just a short span of time.
However, Jesus Christ became Baptist boy, Lonnie Matthew's tree of life,
saving Lonnie for an eternity. I will soon be joining him to share that
eternity. Will you? ![]()